How to increase the power after 50 years

50 years, it is mature, it is a combination of knowledge, skills, and abilities. But, it is the beginning of the reduction of the erectile function. Drugs to improve the power of more than 50 years of age are appointed by the male at the onset of the signs of sexual weakness.

The power of 50

And yet, instead of dealing with the increased power, better avoid its decline. How to do it? Of course, it is necessary to consult a urologist. The doctors of these specialties deal with the complaint, by eliminating its causes.

Is it still after 50 years of increasing power?

Power after age 50 is not always to the downside. It is false to say that after the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary anniversary arrives at old age. If you look at the classification proposed by the World health organization, the period between 45 and 59 years is the average age.

Therefore, to say with certainty that the potency in men 50 years of age and older, must necessarily deteriorate, you can't.

The list of the most common reasons

Negative internal and external impact, taking into account risk factors causing sexual dysfunction. Doctors do not exclude the psychological aspect of the problem.

For a stable functioning of the reproductive system responds to testosterone, a hormone that is physiologically with the age decreases.

If the doctor assumes that the problem of dysfunction it is in his failure, before you prescribe a treatment diagnostics laboratory to confirm or exclude a hypothesis.

And if the reason for the alcohol?

In this regard, the main condition of moderation. If it is a glass of good red wine for dinner, then the negative impact will not be.

But too much of the alcohol-heavy obese women – increase in the abdomen, breasts (gynecomastia) in combination with the correlative to a hormonal imbalance. Accordingly, the power can greatly disrupt.

Afraid to fail

After more than 50 years old are returned problems, psycho-emotional, fear of failure, the fiasco of the fear of a man. Formed a vicious circle creates an impenetrable barrier, through which the entire world can not cross.

Help to a psychologist or a sex therapist, explaining the irrationality of the fear. During the consultation, you can ask all the questions, to learn with the help of a good moral to raise the power after 50 years.

Poor diet and physical inactivity


Fast-food restaurants, finished products and semi-sedentary beach modern, active and dynamic society.

Cook at home today many refuse to do so. If the fast-food appears on the table is not every day, then diseases would not be seen. But in the case of abuse builds up the "bad" cholesterol that deposits on the walls of blood vessels.

Physical inactivity, on the bottom of a poor diet inhibits the metabolism, the breakdown products are eliminated from the body.

In men after 50 the two risk factors cause a complex of violations of the race, ending with impotence.

Of the disease, as the risk factors for impotence

Physicians specializing in sexual dysfunction, have noted a decreased libido on the background of somatic diseases. Negative effects are illnesses themselves, and the drugs used for the treatment.

Therefore, before the treatment, the doctor explains to the patient the necessity of a strict adherence to the dosage, duration and methodology of the reception. In the contrary case, the risk of developing impotence increases.

The list of diseases dangerous to the strength of the men

In the first place among the inflammatory pathology of the prostate, prostatitis, benign, tumor of the renaissance. If men have discovered the disease — first you have to heal, and then only do it and increase the power.

To other of the disease, leading to sexual dysfunction, including:

Diabetes mellitus

  • High levels of sugar in the deterioration of the microcirculation. A period of diabetes accompanied by a slowing of testosterone production, directly affecting the erection.

The weakness of the innervation

  • Occurs when the injury of the spinal cord at the level of the lumbar region, compression of the nerve roots hernia of the spinal column. After the surgical removal of a hernia the symptoms of dysfunction decreases rapidly.

Infections sex

  • Sexually transmitted diseases in the first turn, influence the structure of the prostate, the seminal vesicles, the urethra. Recurrent inflammation of the prostate generates a deficit of testosterone secreted.

The problem on the part of the thyroid

  • Impotence occurs an imbalance of the functioning of the pituitary and thyroid glands. The first product of the TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), in response to the thyroid formed T4, and then in the blood – Q3. When the hypothyroidism or the oncology T4 is low, TSH, which causes the growth of the female hormone prolactin. As a result, the body of a male acquires female traits – obesity at the level of the stomach, gynecomastia, emotional lability. Libido when hypothyroidism is in free fall.

The changes to the outside of the genitals

  • For example, the case of the disease progresses, a fibrous component in the envelope protein of the penis. Dense pack bend the penis, and the sexual act is accompanied by pronouncement of the pain syndrome.

50 years — the critical age for men. A fortiori persistent of the disease. All of these reasons mainly reflected on the power. At the time carried out a therapy minimizes the follow-up of complications.

Drugs, leading to impotence

The treatment of the somatic illness that can lead to undesirable consequences of a reduction in the power. This is why it is necessary to know the medications which have a potential, then you are not thinking, how to recover disorders of the power.

The disease Drugs
The chronic prostatitis In order to reduce the inflammation on a background of an exacerbation, in some cases, prescribe hormones of the tool – corticosteroids (the ineffectiveness of drugs non-steroidal). The extended use of the reception of hormonal pills marked decrease in the production of sex hormones.
Hypertension (high blood pressure) Beta-blockers cause an increased synthesis of female hormones. After the cancellation of the erection easily recovers.

ACE inhibitors will degrade the power.

Diuretics (diuretics). A brief reception has no complications, but long-term (more than 5 months a permanent home) reduces sexual function.

The disease urinary and digestive The narcotic analgesics. Prolonged uncontrolled use leads to hypogonadism (lack of testosterone).

Antiulcer. Require the use of caution. Confirmed complications is not proven, but we can not exclude the indirect effect through the central nervous system.

Gastro-protective. Exceeding the dosage of oregano as the normalization of the digestion may lead to erectile dysfunction.

Allergies One of the side effects of antihistamine drugs — anti-androgen effect
Disorders psycho-emotional The psychotropic drug action (antidepressants, heavy sedatives) cause a loss of sexual desire. The uncontrolled use causes the lack of orgasm.
Improvement of the power

Sport as a means to improve the power

To increase the power to 50 years old, first need to find a factor that led to this state. According to the aspect of chronic diseases is determined by the tactic of the therapy. Not only do the pills enhance the power, but of a moderate exercise.

Regular sessions restore the synthesis of testosterone in the body, increases the possibilities of men.

Long walks

  • The movement stimulates the increase from the blood and oxygen, activates the metabolism. Long walks are an average load intensity. It is an option for men that are rarely visited the gym.
  • Emphasizes the strengthening of the muscles of the wall of the arteries, which increases the movement speed of the blood. The pelvic organs receive the blood and nutrients needed to eliminate toxins.
  • Hiking well affect the psycho-emotional background, in reducing depression and fear, to renounce antidepressants and sedative medications, increasing the power.

Nordic walking

With a good level of physical fitness of their Finnish, nordic walking allows you to adjust the weight. During a training session are taken, almost all of the muscle groups, and the number of calories you burn 46% more than during normal walking.

Such an option may use the men, whose power has declined to the bottom of a diabetes.

Other types of sports activities

If you wish, the walk replaces swimming, yoga, cross-country skiing. In all cases, the effect will be positive, the muscles are saturated in oxygen, the heart works harder weight to normal, the mood improves.

Lift weights (powerlifting) is not recommended for untrained subjects. Only professionally engaged in the guy without consequences can do with a great weight.

Nordic walking

Systematic physical exercise has a beneficial effect on libido, help to increase the stability of the conservation of the potency in men, even after 50.

How to reduce the impact of stress?

The restore disrupted stress of the power in men after 50 years is a complex that consists of the normalization of the daily diet of exercise, the intake of vitamins and trace elements.


The pharmaceutical industry combines the appropriate vitamins male of the body. They compensate for the deficit of important trace elements, to standardize the education of androgens (vitamin E), improve the libido (tocopherol), the quality of the seminal liquid (folic acid). The internal energy increases, the power increases.

The uniqueness of the complex is defined by the composition, which correspond to the day-to-day standard of each item. Take their courses, and it is defined by the doctor.

The pharmacies offer a wide list of vitamins to enhance potency in men after 50. When buying a sail is not on the price and composition.

Vitamins are also drugs, possessing a number of characteristics and adverse effects. Therefore, independent of the designation of dangerous to serious consequences.

The principles of power management

The first and main rule is the amount of calories must be equal to the standard. Only then the excess weight will not raise.

The products covered by the ban Allowed
  • meat and fish fat;
  • dishes rich in salt such as slows the release of excess fluid from the body;
  • sugar-sweetened beverages – they increase the thirst, and the swelling does not come off.
The basis of the diet are plans, lean, low salt:

  • chicken;
  • the calf;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • fruit drinks, compotes, herbal teas.

Fry in the oil it is also desirable, better boil or braise.

Some foods are regarded as natural inexpensive ways and means of strengthening the power. These include:

  • seafood;
  • turnip;
  • lemon, orange;
  • quail eggs;
  • chocolate;
  • lawyer;
  • dates;
  • nuts;
  • celery.

Their inclusion in the diet returns the hormonal balance, will improve the production of sex hormones.

All of the exercises


Improve the power of more than 50 years the home with the help of exercises. On the forums have been chosen the most effective:

  1. Turn the hoop. The impact on the pelvic region, the active stimulates the blood circulation.
  2. Walk on the spot. The exercise is properly completed if the knee can touch the chest. First of all, it is difficult to do, but systematic training will solve this problem.
  3. Do a "windmill". This exercise is well strengthens the muscles of the back.
  4. Lift the basin. To perform properly, you must lie on your back, shoulders nest to the ground. Bend your legs at the knees, heels as close as possible to push up to the buttocks. This provision increase the basin.

The total duration of training will be not more than 15 minutes. Therefore, to perform the whole complex of needs every day.

What are the drugs that deliver the power?

As a medical treatment of the correction to apply to drugs (in the form of tablets or ointments) and herbal supplements.

The methods of traditional medicine

The recipes of traditional medicine, also have a positive impact on the power, by improving and strengthening its. Most of them improve the properties of protection, well-being:

Honey-the shells of nuts in the mixture. Grind the nuts, mix with honey in equal proportions, use every day after breakfast.

Magic of green tea. In the teapot to pour the tea leaves, add the grated ginger, the saffron, and 1 flower of cloves.

The ginger. It is effective in all variants. Home it helpful to make a drink. To do this, thinly slice the ginger, pour boiling water, give it a rest. If you wish, add honey.

The traditional recipes generally safe. But before you apply the popular methods to exclude the intolerance of the components.

The advice of a doctor

Urologists, sexologists believe that, in reality, is the best remedy to improve the power – to- sex. Active sexual life, in particular in the years 50, improves the flow of blood to the internal organs, nourishes the heart and brain of oxygen. The hormones of pleasure and positive impact on the common emotional background.

Menus for the creams and gels will help to diversify the intimate life, to bring of the novelty. You can buy them in stores for adults or online.


Maintain a high level of power in 50 years, you can:

  • The observance of the principles of good nutrition,
  • the restoration and maintenance of physical activity,
  • the intake of vitamins,
  • at the time carried out the treatment of chronic diseases

will be in good health, to enjoy life, to communicate with the woman I love and feel his manhood.