How to solve the problem with the erectile function after the age of 40

The power is a kind of marker of well-being of the men physically and psychologically. This delicate range can be affected by various environmental factors, related to diet, environment, bad habits, stress, and chronic diseases acquired with age. Most often the impotence is temporary, the less is the symptom of a serious pathology. Understand can-specialist. An increase of the power in men after 40 years – one of the activities of the urologist or another doctor.

what is the power

What is the power

From the medical point of view, power is defined as the ability of men to lead a sexual life. In a more narrow sense, it is characterized by the speed of onset of the erection and the duration of the sexual act. The power may not identify with the rhythm of the intimate relationship.

Men of the force does not depend on the frequency of sex. A maximum of possibilities of sexual stronger sex is achieved in the full psychological comfort, or in the case of strong emotions, accompanied by the emission of testosterone. In addition, the level of this hormone after 35-40 years of age, begins to decrease each year 1.5-2% in effect of physiological reasons.

To accelerate this process are capable of a variety of factors:

  • an unbalanced diet;
  • the abuse of alcohol, particularly beer, which contains estrogen;
  • the lack of exercise and excess weight;
  • the metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • the consumption of synthetic steroids of funds.

The deficit of androgens in the body leads to the development of a number of problems from cardiovascular disease to impotence (erectile dysfunction).

The more a man is low, more libido and sexual activity. However, a person in good health, can afford the quality of sexual life before the age of the old age, if you follow the doctor's recommendations and monitor the health.

The reasons for the decline of the power

Erectile dysfunction in men related to the interruption of the nervous impulse, from brain structures to the centres of the spinal cord and the genitals. There are 2 groups of factors that may affect the system of the sexual arousal and cause impotence problems, at the age of 40 years or even sooner organic and mental genesis.

The first type includes:

the reasons for the decline of the power
  1. The system of the chronic disease, leading to disruption of the blood supply in the male genital organs – heavy stage of hypertension, cardio-vascular ischemia and atherosclerosis.
  2. Negative habits, contributing to the deterioration of the traffic – a big experience of smoking, dependence on alcohol and drugs.
  3. Heavy progressive pathology of the neurological syndrome (Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis), tumor of the spinal cord/brain acute cerebral (stroke).
  4. Sexually transmitted infections (venereal diseases).
  5. Decompensated forms of diabetes, which lead to the defeat of small vascular device, and the disturbance of the nutrition of the tissues.
  6. The pathology of the thyroid gland (hypo and hyperthyroidism).
  7. The inflammatory processes in the testicles, tumors of the education, injury-and intervention – they can be the cause of the termination or reduction of the production of testosterone.
  8. The pathology of the genito – prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma), cancer of the prostate.
  9. The violation of the integrity of the spinal cord (spinal cord injury, fall, surgery).
  10. A long-term treatment of drugs of groups of anxiolytics, sedatives, antidepressants, diuretics, drugs.
  11. Frequent and prolonged travel of motorcycles and scooters – these activities can sometimes cause compression of the nerves, which are adapted to the gender and to the authority.

Psychogenic causes, which are able to cause problems with erectile function in the years 40, are the following:

  • fast paced life, overwork, stress frequent;
  • generalized anxiety disorder, depressive episodes;
  • "the midlife crisis";
  • the conflicts within the community and the family;
  • permanent fatigue;
  • sexy fiasco in the past.

To establish with certainty the cause of the erectile dysfunction is not always possible, for this you will need the involvement of specialists of different profiles (urologist, endocrinologist, psychiatrist, neurologist).

Symptoms of sexual weakness

Impotence say in the case where the inability to commit sex acts is a constant, and it is expressed in violation of a set of different indicators (presence of libido, duration of erection, satisfaction, psychological).

The characteristics of impotence in men 40 years of age are expressed following:

power after 40
  1. Decreased libido, weakness of the degree of severity of sexual desire.
  2. The difficulty with the onset of the erection. If the impotence psychogenic of the nature, in men may produce spontaneous erections, but at the right time, a member fills with blood. When the organic nature of the dysfunction of the excitement is not quite (no morning erections).
  3. The decrease of the stiffness and the size of the erection. This means that during the intimacy of the penis can not achieve the necessary firmness, is in the greater extent of short-term.
  4. The inability to store prolonged erection. During sex, the penis can fade and become lethargic.
  5. Ejaculation (the beginning of the eruption of the seed) is a manifestation of the organic nature of impotence.

The appearance of these symptoms should be a warning, the problem will not pass by itself, to resolve it, it will take a specialist. To identify the cause of the need to conduct studies in the volume, which will prescribe a physician for each patient individually. The diagnosis is made on the results of the survey integrated.

General principles of therapy

The weakening of the power does not arrive to the empty square to find out why it is important before the start of the therapy.

General recommendations in case of problems in the intimate sphere in man are the following:

  1. It is necessary to call in a technician, undergo an examination to confirm the diagnosis. If necessary, visit the specialists in the field of psychiatry, neurology, endocrinology, cardiology.
  2. Try to avoid stressful situations, not to overwork, not to work on the wear and tear.
  3. Arrange the correct sequence of sleep and wakefulness, the sleep must be at least 8 hours.
  4. Exclude liability pass-time on weekends, do sport, do exercises in the morning.
  5. Feed fully and in a balanced manner in the diet should be protein, vitamins, and trace elements in sufficient quantity. Useful seafood, meat, chicken, nuts, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, peppers, eggs.
  6. Learn a complex of exercises to improve the power (for example, by the method of Kegel) to help specialists.
  7. It is necessary to abandon or reduce to a minimum the presence in its life of tobacco, alcohol.
  8. Monitor the pulse and blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol, to follow periodic medical examinations. High rates may need to be adjusted in a timely manner.
  9. Get rid of excess weight through a diet, exercise, and other methods on the advice of the doctor.
  10. Sanitize foci of infection, treat all available chronic wounds.
  11. Maintain relationships of trust, to practice sex by all means possible with your wife or girlfriend. This will help the man, as a husband or a friend, to overcome the complex of reach to strengthen the erection, in particular during the phase of erectile dysfunction.

How to increase the power of men in a natural way after 40 years? It is necessary to begin by the organization of the regime of the day, get rid of bad habits, to make changes in the diet. In many cases, this is sufficient to bring the power back to normal.

Drug therapy

drug therapy

A good diet, healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, as well as exercises of a prior condition, that must be done in all men and women who want to realize the increase in power and save on the long term.

If this is not sufficient, it is necessary to resort to other methods, in particular, of drug therapy. The treatment is carried out after the establishment of the reason that caused of erectile disorders.

What can be the situations:

  • revealed by the pathology of somatic – therapy is carried out, respectively, diagnosis (hypertension, atherosclerosis);
  • endocrine disorders – thyroid problems (hypothyroidism) are treated with hormones in diabetes prescribing insulin or sugar-reducing pills;
  • disorders psychogenic – the effect is achieved with the help of medication that can greatly improve the blood circulation in the penis, drugs that support libido, increase resistance to stress.

The most common is the helplessness, the cure that you only want complex methods, with the participation of different specialists.

The drugs are very popular, they allow to improve the quality of sex in men adults with an obscure cause of dysfunction. In accordance with the recommendations of the physician data safe drugs. Rarely, patients may present adverse reactions at the level of the blood pressure, headaches, allergies, or other symptoms, it is necessary to tell a doctor. In such cases, change the dose or cancel the drug. Guided only advice on the forums is not worth it.

Plants for medicines and food supplements to improve the quality of life and sexual activity of men. Their action is based on stimulating biological body by using the healing power of plants. The food supplements can help in the fatigue, the stress, during the neuro-psychological situations as aid.

If the cause of impotence problems are of serious internal disease, and disorders of the blood circulation in the vessels the pelvic, the issue of recovery of erectile function should be treated by doctors of various specialties, in an integrated manner.

The traditional methods

Home treatment methods used to supplement and enhance the effect of the therapy, can sometimes replace the drugs, if a serious disease in humans has not been revealed. Primarily used medicinal plants and apicultural products.

Revenue accumulated very many, here are a few:

  1. The pine nuts (150 g) it is necessary to crush, put in a jar, add a cup of sugar and pour a good bottle of vodka. Insist in a dark place, several times a day to stir. After 3 weeks, drain them, leave the liquid to the bank, the rest of the fraction to put it in another container, again, and pour in the vodka and keep it for 3 weeks. Then drain them, mix the two liquids. To improve the power of drink for half an hour to eat 1 tablespoon 3 times per day. First of all it is necessary to drink half of the total volume of the elixir, then take a break of 10 days and repeat the reception of 1 tablespoon three times per day.
  2. Need different nuts (walnut, wood, cedar and others), as well as dried apricots, prunes, raisins. While we take on the handle, grind, mix and put in a jar. To the same place to fill up above honey may liquid, cover with the lid and let of the week. Consume it in the morning, on an empty stomach for 1 tablespoon 3 times per day, after 10 days of progressively increasing up to 2 items soup spoons. During 3 months, then a break on the same duration and repetition.
  3. The herb of thyme (100 g) pour a liter of hot water, put in a thermos for 1-2 hours. Drain, in the day, drink as a tea 3-4 times, you can add a teaspoon of honey. Do not keep more than a day. Each day, make a new infusion. The course of 3 weeks, a pause of 2 weeks and repeated 4 times the same intermittently. Then, after 3-4 months, after undergoing a treatment.

There are many different prescription popular recipes, everyone can find his taste, but it is necessary to take into account possible contra-indications. Therefore, it is better to consult your physician.

the exercise of the power

The exercise of the power

To improve the blood flow and improve erections help to some well-known exercises that you should perform regularly, with a progressive increase of the load of the video, you can find online.

Here are a few:

  • squats in the morning, starting with the 10-12, each day take into account the quantity, you can do it with the stem;
  • "make the bike" – lying on the back, make the simulation of movement when cycling, as if coming from the pedal;
  • "the gateway" – the difficult exercise that may cause at the beginning of the difficulties, it is desirable to achieve the highest possible to raise the basin to the top;
  • push-ups – it is only necessary to lift the upper part of the body, and the basin, trying not to tear the ground, to tighten the muscles of the abdomen and perineum;
  • exercise "four-legged" – on the inspiration to get off the buttocks on the heels, stretch and go back, do not fold arms, do it slowly and gracefully, pulling the spine;
  • gather, sitting on a chair,the rump, that scattered on the seat between the testicles and anus, with the shoulders straightened, the body tilted a bit to the bottom, making the contraction and relaxation of the gluteal muscles.

For the restoration of the power can be used by all the Kegel exercises. The essential in the formation of muscles, located between the anus and the testicles. This gives an improvement of the circulation in the basin and helps to increase the strength and duration of erections. Determining where to find this muscle, you can, if delay urination, this are feelings of reduction on the pubis.

Regularly two times per day, it must bend and relax the area for 10 times in 2 weeks. During the year, it is necessary to stop the stream of urine for 2 to 3 seconds, then relax. The time delay to gradually increase. After 2 weeks of a break for a few days, and then repeat 2 weeks of the course, and up to a month and a half. As a result, you can get a reduction of muscles of 10 seconds. This training will help you in the long preservation of the erection during intercourse.

The man after 40 years of age gradually in the period of physiological of the recession, that doesn't mean the offensive of the sexual weakness. The joint health and the presence of a sensitive eye, the spouse or partner, there is no reason to fear the loss of sexual function at an advanced age.